Bondage 101


Bondage and restraint is a common fantasy for many people. Since the release of ’50 Shades of Grey’, more and more people have expressed their interest in bondage, but have either been too afraid to try or have no idea where to start. Just read below for everything you need to know about Beginner’s Bondage and you’ll be experimenting in no time!

A Few Tips!

Like anything in life, Bondage has a few things you should know before you get started to ensure the safety of yourself and your partner! Make sure to follow these rules to make your experience the best it can be!

1. Always have scissors on hand

Sometimes people get overwhelmed, especially if it’s their first time being bound, and they may feel the need to get out in a hurry. Have a pair of scissors on hand to get them out quickly, if the knots won’t come undone, or in the event of an emergency.

2. Don’t use slip knots or knots that lock on themselves.

Use non-cinching ties whenever possible. There are a lot of resources online for the best ties to use with your partner to keep them comfortable.

3. Make sure the rope/tie is loose.

You should be able to slip two fingers in between the tie and the person’s skin. If you can’t, the tie is too tight and needs to have more slack for their comfort.

4. Place your knots responsibly

Be kind to your partner! Avoid putting knots on joints or bones, and make sure you’re thinking of the comfort of your partner first. If you’re placing someone on their back, don’t place a large knot right in the middle of their back.

5. Check for circulation often

Make sure to check with your partner for circulation every so often – around every 5-10 minutes. Watch for skin that’s turning blue/purple or paling in color. Touch the skin, if it’s cool that means it’s not getting as much circulation. Ask them to move their fingers/toes, if they can’t then get them out of that hold as quickly as possible!

6.Rotate often

As discussed above, to prevent loss of circulation make sure to rotate your partner often. Keeping your partner in the same position for long periods of time can be uncomfortable. Make sure you change their position every 15-30 minutes to avoid stiffness and loss of circulation.

Types of Restraints




Rope is probably one of the most popular restraints because it can be simple or extravagant. It’s extremely versatile and can be used in a lot of positions depending on the length and type. It does take more practice to learn the more complicated knots, however.

Ropes come in varying lengths and types, depending on what you’re interested in! Some ropes are grabbier (ie. hemp rope) that will hold ties better, but also have some bite to the skin, and other ropes are softer (Japanese silk rope) but might slip a little more. Try to avoid cotton, for your first time, as knots lock down with that particular type – making them harder to undo.



Bondage Tape

Bondage Tape is a unique product in that it only sticks to itself! It does not stick to skin or any other surface, which makes it comfortable to wear and easier to undo. It’s also reusable! Simply place it back on the roll.

Bondage Tape is a great product for beginners as you can use it in any position. It’s flexible and non-complicated. You simply wrap the limbs you want restrained together or around an object and you’re done!




Handcuffs are the product that almost everyone goes to when they look to start experimenting with bondage. While we usually recommend something a little more comfortable for first time use (handcuffs can sometimes dig into the skin and cause discomfort if not placed carefully), handcuffs are a great place to start for sake of ease.

Go with the fuzzy handcuffs if you decide to purchase handcuffs for your first time! The fuzz will keep the wrist comfortable and stop the metal from digging into the skin. Handcuffs are particularly great to have your partner bound to something, such as a chair or bedpost.


Other Cuffs / Restraints

There are a lot of different restraints on the market from leather cuffs to velcro clasps and everything in between. Sometimes they’re attached by a chain or material so you have varying lengths, and some come pre-assembled so your partner is exactly where you want them without the fuss.

Hog-ties are great if you want your partner in a certain position. You simply put them in the wrist and ankle cuffs and their exactly where you want them! Alternatively, the Under the Bed Restrain System stays beneath your mattress for use whenever, without relying on those pesky bedposts.

Bondage Positions

Here’s a few positioning ideas when restraints are involved!


Leave any questions you have in the comments!

Until next time!

xoxo Laysha

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